Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 33: So Just What Is Stopping You?

Welcome to Episode 30 of the podcast, and our new look, feel and SOUND!

indset-focused episode, Nicky asks the 64 million dollar question question that plagues us all at some point in our lives: ‘Just what is stopping you?’

What is really stopping you right now from achieving everything that you ever thought was possible?

It's a big question. And it's one that Nicky admits not always knowing the answer to. But in this episode she invites you to start getting so much more curious about how you reach your next level, and, how you actually gain access to everything that is possible for you.

So my big question for you today is just what is stopping you? If we were to have so much fun with this, if we were to take the seriousness out of these really big questions, how would we get the answers that would actually spur us on?

What you can expect to hear in this episode of the #SSBPodcast:

If you were to have so much fun with accessing your next level what could that look like?

If we were to take the seriousness out of these really big questions, how would we get the answers that would actually spur us on to take action and move towards our goals?

How a lack of clarity can be the biggest blocker to manifesting your visions.

Walk through a gentle but powerful guided visualisation to help you manifest your goals.

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Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 32: What Have Mixing Bowls and Dining Chairs Got To Do With Personal Growth?

Welcome to Episode 32 of the podcast, and our new look, feel and SOUND!

In this episode Nicky asks, ‘Do we ever really stop and take time to consider how far we’ve come?’

She challenges our ability to look at our own personal growth journey and fully honour, salute and luxuriously, and decadently take time to literally drink in how far we’ve come?

She explains how one of the huge HUGE ironies is we crack open a bottle of champagne so often to celebrate something - an event, an occasion and then it’s gone. It’s fleeting. But what happens when we STOP in the silence and truly celebrate?

What you can expect to hear in this episode of the #SSBPodcast:

Nicky asks ‘When did you really stop and ask yourself this question: how far have I really come?’

Do you bask in your growth? Truly acknowledge it?

Do you listen to others when they see your growth and tell you they can see how well you’re doing?

She explores ways we can all learn to stop and take a moment to truly acknowledge our own personal growth in order to achieve even more!

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Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 31: The New Superpower of Personal Growth We All Need to Learn

Welcome to Episode 31 of the podcast, and our new look, feel and SOUND!

Are you ready for adding another life and mindset tool to your bag? In this episode I declare:

What I think is a mindset superpower! And,

Am I going to be bold enough to say, you need to master this? Absolutely, yes!

Am I going to apologize for sticking my neck out? Heck no!

I'm so excited to talk to you about this today…

So this whole podcast is about what I want to call a new superpower that I have added to my own personal growth and mindset journey that I think you're going to absolutely love, once you get how it works. In fact, I'm going to stick my neck out and go as far as to say that I think it's been my best addition and personal growth tool to date.

What you can expect to hear in this episode of the #SSBPodcast:

Just what we can gain from learning to ‘notice’ more than we react

How you can find inner peace but building your mindset muscle to ‘observe’ rather than be drawn into a fraught emotional state

How being able to remain on the fringe of a highly-charged situation or conversation we protect our own emotional wellbeing

And just how we can enhance our own personal growth journey by using the ‘observing and noticing’ tools every single day.

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Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 30: The Great Autumn Reset

Welcome to Episode 30 of the podcast, and our new look, feel and SOUND!

In this seasonal episode, Nicky shares her thoughts on the energy of the autumnal season and why she thinks this time of year is just as important for goals setting as New Years Resolutions.

She shares her findings from over seven years of coaching entrepreneurs and business owners and how she has notices that Autumn provides us with months when our goals REALLY seem to come alive and we actually kick into REAL action.

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Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 29: The Five Things Really Stopping You From Getting What You Want

Welcome to Episode 29 of the SSB podcast!

Feel like you're stuck somewhere along a growth path but unsure just what is really holding you back?

In this episode, Nicola Wilkes, founder of SSB and the host of the Seriously Stylish Business Podcast, shares five things she believes are holding you back from getting what you want right now...

What you can expect to hear in this episode of the #SSBPodcast:

How boredom can literally block us from accessing our very 'best' that life and career has to offer us

Why the fear of taking that next step is your worst enemy

Turing the tables on the confidence factor

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Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 28: 'The Big Reveal': How To Build On Experience

Welcome to Episode 28 of the podcast, and our new look, feel and SOUND!

Ever feel that you need to constantly be re-inventing yourself; launching something new; feel worn out by the constant pressure of having to be all things to all people, and most of all, tired from the frustration of not truly following your own dreams?

In this episode Nicola Wilkes, founder of SSB and the host of the Seriously Stylish Business Podcast, shares why the already highly acclaimed podcast has an upgraded look, and the reason behind the name change is revealed! She invites you to delve deeper as to why we constantly feel the need to reinvent ourselves and why it isn’t helping us move forward. She also shares her own thoughts and real-life experience on how to make your biggest goals a reality - even if you fear judgement and worry that without a crystal ball, you can’t make that big, bold move.

What if I could have it all? What if I gave myself permission to be and do more than I ever dreamed of? And ultimately, if yes, is the answer, WHAT is the question? What you can expect to hear in this episode of the #SSBPodcast:

Just what has been happening sharing what's been happening behind the scenes on her personal growth journey;

How you can be on the growth path with her;

Just what are we growing through at any one time?

How do we not rush these sometimes really sticky growth paths?

And just why are we talking about reinvention?

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Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 27: What does my soul need right now?'

In this episode of The Empowered Business Woman Podcast I share with you how I've actually been taking a couple of days off - forced, not chosen! However, in that time I was actually inspired to pick up my headphones, press record and connect in with you because something occurred to me whilst I was taking time out and that was, as an entrepreneur with a busy lifestyle and a list of amazing things I am excited to achieve, put into action and bring to you, that I had to accept, one and for all, that I am indeed not a robot. And because I know what is personal is universal, I am guessing some of you might go through this kind of predicament too so I wanted to share it with you in real time because that's part of what this podcast is all about. It’s my way of connecting with you from such a place of honesty and realness in that moment, where I feel inspired to like say, pick up the headphones, get into this space and say, hey, does this ever occur to you or do you ever feel like this? And today was one of those moments.

So this episode very much asks the question of many entrepreneurs and business owners: ‘What do we do when we get the memo that we need to rest? What do we do when we're running busy lives, busy businesses, we're trying to do everything and not miss out on any of the opportunities yet we know we need to take a few days off to heal, recuperate and get better?’ Will everything stop? Will the world stop turning will my clients disappear? You know, I get the thoughts that might go around in your head. The supernatural they're normal. And in this episode we discuss these fears and how to move past them and perhaps still even grow our business whilst we sit back, press play on a Netflix series and wrap ourselves in a blanket!

Essentially, I share with you my thoughts on how to not let one bad day ruin your business - I hope you enjoy it.

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Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 26: How to not let a bad day ruin your business

In this episode of The Empowered Business Woman Podcast I share with you how I've actually been taking a couple of days off - forced, not chosen! However, in that time I was actually inspired to pick up my headphones, press record and connect in with you because something occurred to me whilst I was taking time out and that was, as an entrepreneur with a busy lifestyle and a list of amazing things I am excited to achieve, put into action and bring to you, that I had to accept, one and for all, that I am indeed not a robot. And because I know what is personal is universal, I am guessing some of you might go through this kind of predicament too so I wanted to share it with you in real time because that's part of what this podcast is all about. It’s my way of connecting with you from such a place of honesty and realness in that moment, where I feel inspired to like say, pick up the headphones, get into this space and say, hey, does this ever occur to you or do you ever feel like this? And today was one of those moments.

So this episode very much asks the question of many entrepreneurs and business owners: ‘What do we do when we get the memo that we need to rest? What do we do when we're running busy lives, busy businesses, we're trying to do everything and not miss out on any of the opportunities yet we know we need to take a few days off to heal, recuperate and get better?’ Will everything stop? Will the world stop turning will my clients disappear? You know, I get the thoughts that might go around in your head. The supernatural they're normal. And in this episode we discuss these fears and how to move past them and perhaps still even grow our business whilst we sit back, press play on a Netflix series and wrap ourselves in a blanket!

Essentially, I share with you my thoughts on how to not let one bad day ruin your business - I hope you enjoy it.

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Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 25: Why you want what you fear the most!

In this episode of The Empowered Business Woman, I talk about why you want what you fear the most!

Episode highlights

I'm so grateful for having taken the leap and overcoming the fear and launching this podcast.

My clients and you too inspire me daily to come here and show up for you.

I just remind you that I've felt the fear and sometimes I would allow the fear to get the better of me, I tell you how one day I said YES and didn't cancel. It didn't allow the fear to take control, despite the fear I was feeling.

I remind you to embrace the uncomfortable.

Follow what I'm doing right now on my incredible trip.

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Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 23: Why you might be using masking tape in your business?

In this episode of The Empowered Business Woman I talk about why you might be using masking tape in your business.

Episode highlights

I talk to you how I do things my way and how I dig deep and challenge typical ways of doing business.

I want to normalise success for women.

I share a few insights about an incredible, expansive, once in a lifetime (yes, it needs ALL of these words) business trip I'm on (make sure you're following me on Instagram to find out where I am and what I'm doing)

We need to get better at not knowing, not having the crystal ball to know how things will pan out.

We need to EMBRACE uncertainty.

Make sure you're on our newsletter list, because you don't want to miss out the incredible things that will be happening at SSB.

You can find out more about the incredible Elana Robertson on her website Foundher

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Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 22: Who’s in your tribe?

In this episode of The Empowered Business Woman I talk about who's in your tribe? Episode Highlights

- I talk about how an outcome that scares us can allow us to have the biggest breakthrough.

- I remind you that I'm on the same journey as you too and how I stepped forward into the scare-sighted zone.

- I discuss what else we need to know right now, are you playing small or are you going to serve at your highest level, which means pushing past the fear!

- I also talk about how when we all come together, we realise we ALL feel exactly the same and we cheer each other on.

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Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 21: What’s on your to-do list?

How we need to remember to take everything step by step to ensure we don't get overwhelmed.

I talk about how we keep key business development tasks on our to do lists.

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Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 20: Fall in Love with Sales!

In this episode of The Empowered Business Woman Podcast I talk about sales and how it's the one thing that holds you back.

I share WHY I love sales.

I talk about how everyone I speak to feels about sales (which is different from my own feelings)

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Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 19: Gateway to your business!

I share how you create your gateway.

I tell you about my favourite hotel and how it makes me feel when I arrive and how special my clients feel when they arrive and how we can bring this into your business.

I encourage you to think about your customer ecosystem.

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Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 18: The ONE word. Part 2

Have you got a murky view?

Does it feel like you're viewing your business in the same way you might through a dirty windscreen; glasses that need clearning; a dusty television or computer screen?

What are you not seeing?

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Nicola Wilkes Nicola Wilkes

Episode 16: 'Are you running your business with a Blindfold on?

I talk about how I use 'One Word' within all of my coaching calls to create intentional focus.

I talk about how we do a quarterly check-in to see how everyone is doing with their goals (you can listen to more about this in Episode 15) and what happened when I didn't ask my group members for their one word!

I remind you that there is so much power being focused and aligned

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